Lottie Doll Tour 2019

A great way to dispel the stereotypical engineer. Techwuman is proud to be featured in this double sided poster aimed at primary school future engineers.

This year the fourth #WESLottieTour takes place during Tomorrow’s Engineers Week 2019, to show how varied and exciting it is to work in engineering! There is a new double-sided downloadable Lottie poster available to help children to learn about engineering.


The project was organised by WES Young Members’ Board (YMB) members, Kate Mactear and Jo Douglas-Harris. Kate said: “We’re aiming to make the Lottie Tour bigger and better this year! We’ve already had a great response from WES volunteers and planning is well underway. We’re also working on creating a poster with Lottie to celebrate the WES centenary. This will feature 5 or 6 engineers alongside their Lottie doll showing what jobs they do. This will be for schools and STEM clubs to use as a resource with primary aged children. We think this will be a great way to show young girls and boys that an engineer isn’t just the person who fixes your car or the builders on a building site, it’s so much more!”


Double sided poster - WES Lottie Tour



"There is nothing I believe more strongly than getting young people interested in science & engineering, for a better tomorrow, for all humankind."

-- Bill Nye

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